- bush of hair
- копна волос
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
bush — [buʃ] n [Date: 1200 1300; : Old French; Origin: bos, bosc wood ] 1.) a plant with many thin branches growing up from the ground →↑tree, shrub ↑shrub ▪ a rose bush ▪ The child was hiding in the bushes. 2.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
bush — I. noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: Middle English; akin to Old High German busc forest Date: 14th century 1. a. shrub; especially a low densely branched shrub b. a close thicket of shrubs suggesting a single plant 2. a large uncleared or … New Collegiate Dictionary
bush — (n.) many stemmed woody plant, O.E. bysc, from W.Gmc. *busk bush, thicket (Cf. Du. bos, Ger. Busch). Influenced by or combined with cognate words from Scandinavian (Cf. Dan. busk) and O.Fr. (busche firewood, apparently of Frankish origin), and… … Etymology dictionary
bush — Ⅰ. bush [1] ► NOUN 1) a shrub or clump of shrubs with stems of moderate length. 2) (the bush) (in Australia and Africa) wild or uncultivated country. 3) vulgar slang a woman s pubic hair. ► VERB ▪ spread out into a thick clump … English terms dictionary
bush — I. /bʊʃ / (say boosh) noun 1. a woody plant, especially a low one, with many branches which usually arise from or near the ground. 2. Botany a small cluster of shrubs appearing as a single plant. 3. something resembling or suggesting a bush, as a …
bush — bush1 bushless, adj. bushlike, adj. /boosh/, n. 1. a low plant with many branches that arise from or near the ground. 2. a small cluster of shrubs appearing as a single plant. 3. something resembling or suggesting this, as a thick, shaggy head of … Universalium
bush — I. adj provincial or primitive. A term that can mean either rural or second rate, or both. Much used in Australia in expressions such as bush scrubber and bush law yer and, to a lesser extent, in the USA where it is often in the form bush league … Contemporary slang
Bush — Nouns* Shrub, a type of woody plant, smaller than normal trees *The Bush, a term used in several countries for rural, undeveloped land or country areas **The Bush (Alaska) *Bushcraft, a popular term for wilderness survival skills *Bush… … Wikipedia
hair — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I n. mane (see hair); filament;bit, inch (see narrowness, nearness). II Body covering filament Nouns 1. hair; head of hair, mop, mane, crop of hair, thatch, shock; gray, silver or white hair (see… … English dictionary for students
bush pig — a wild swine, Potamochaerus porcus, of southern and eastern Africa, having white facial markings. Also called boschvark. [1830 40] * * * ▪ mammal also spelled Bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus), African member of the family Suidae (order… … Universalium
Bush, Barbara — ▪ American first lady née Barbara Pierce born June 8, 1925, Rye, New York, U.S. American first lady (1989–93), the wife of George Bush (Bush, George), 41st president of the United States. One of the most popular first ladies, she was noted… … Universalium